Monday, August 20, 2012

Love is the Answer!

This past weekend we had the honor of serving a poor community located 154 km south of Guatemala City. We attended 175 patients in two days, having to turn down many people because of the fear of not having enough medicine. This clinic for us was very different from past clinics, we have never seen such a high amount of single mothers and children with Down syndrome. I lost count after 50 single moms, it was incredible, all with a similar story, husband leaves to the states in search of work, leaving behind wife and children. Despite all of this many people came to the Lord, I don't how many but it was a lot, in the end everyone who came to the clinic, was prayed for and heard the gospel. We are planning to go back to this town, but this time we want to prepare ourselves to minister to all of the single moms. The ages range from 15 and up, yes, 15 year old with 2-3 kids..and no dad! Please for us as we plan to return to the town of "La Junillia" that God may give us wisdom and compassion. As the clinic went on my heart sank to all the single teen moms, as a dad my heart was torn into pieces, listening to these girls ask for help, we prayed, gave them medicine and vitamins, but more importantly...hugs! It was heartbreaking to hug one of these girls and having them breakdown in my arms, many of them grew up without a father. We left there thinking perhaps our purpose wasn't only medicine but, to give hugs. Sometimes a hug is the best answer.

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