Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Princesses of the King of Kings

Blessings!!!! Alot has been happening here, the Lord has given us a new opportunity for our missions work here in Guatemala. As you know , Katherine and I have been on the missions field for four years now, and we have seen and done many things such as; medical clinics, translation, Music, and children ministry. Those areas have been the main focus for quit some time, but the Lord has opened up a new door for us....Soccer!!!
That's right!.....Soccer, your probably wondering whats the big deal? Well, the big deal is that Soccer is an amazing tool to witness to youth. Ten days ago Katherine was asked to translate for Luis Sagastume, former U.S. Air Force Soccer Coach, he and his wife Linda are now in full-time ministry using soccer to minister to youth in Latin America. The event was called camp 3D; meaning mind, body and soul, the purpose of the camp was to attract local youth with soccer , allowing the the coaches to share the gospel with the kids.

Katherine was the translator for the girls team, she was so impacted by the effect that the sport had on them. The coaches were able to share the word, as well as talk about serious issues such as alcohol, drugs and Pre-marital sex.  Since the conclusion of the camp the Lord has a burden in our hearts for teenage girls, we are going to start a cell group with the girls that live in the area. Our plan is too use Rick Warren's 40 days of purpose as a guide to help the girls realize there true potential in Christ. In Guatemala the machismo is too the extreme. Unfortunately many women are abused, sexually, mentally, and emotionally and the majority of the abuse comes from there husband/boyfriends.

Most girls in Guatemala are raised as servants rather than children, there role being to cook, clean, and serve there Dad. The majority of them are discouraged from going to school, or looking for secular work. The girls are taught to serve at home and marry young in order to have many children to continue to work. It has been our experience in our medical clinics to treat a young mother of 17 years of age with six children, and sometimes pregnant with number seven. When I ask them why do they have so many children, they respond that there culture sees it as a sense of pride for the husband and the family. It is not our goal to change there culture, but to give the girls a sense of awareness that they can become professionals and still be a wife and a mother. More than anything we want them to enjoy there childhood, unfortunately they concentrate so much on chores that they forget that they are children, but more importantly having  them realize that they are princesses of the high King.                                   

We would to thank Woodmen Valley Chapel for the amazing experience, and introducing us to there wonderful ministry...Thank You!!!!!!!!!
  As with any missions trip, it is important for the missionaries left behind to continue the work, if not it will be just another trip, just another bunch of pictures on the bulletin board. We don't want that, that's why we truly feel from the Lord to continue ministering to the girls we had the opportunity to meet. 
You can help us continue the work, we will be conducting a weekly cell group for the next seven weeks, the purpose being to teach the girls, that they were made for a reason, and that God wants them to have a purpose driven life.
You can help us cover the ministry expenses by sponsoring one of the girls for $50. This covers all their reading materials, snacks and a small Christmas gift!
We encourage you to help these young ladies break the bond that has oppressed the women of Guatemala for   so many generations. 
If you would like to partner with this project please send your donations and make payable to:  Open Arms Refuge Ministry P.O. Box 621853 - Oviedo - FL - 32762
Please note on memo: Guatemala girls cell group
Thank You!!!

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